Hank Berrien: 101 Of the Greatest Lies Told by Donald Trump!

Donald Trump has repeatedly labeled his political opponents liars so Hank Barrien recently posted a collection of 101 of  Trump’s Greatest Lies at the dailywire.com.

I have chosen my top favorite 8 Donald Trump lies from Hank Barrien’s post.

I would encourage you to go to Hank’s article. Read and share!



But first, the HUGE lie being spread by the Trump campaign? That Ted and Heidi Cruz are Globalists!

Heidi Cruz went to the Council of Foreign Relations to DENOUNCE and ARGUE AGAINST Globalism, not CONDONE it!

I will let premier globalism fighter and and expert Trevor Louden explain:

‘Ted Cruz is a Globalist!!!’ – yeah and I’m the tooth fairy!

If that is not enough…

Is Ted Cruz A Globalist? THE TRUTH

and here…

The Facts on Ted and Heidi Cruz – Clearing the Myths

For more thorough debunking of the Ted Cruz globalism HOAX go here and here.

101 Of the Greatest Lies Told by Donald Trump!

Keep in mind that the source of most of the Ted Cruz Globalist lies come from Roger Stone, well known dirty trickster, who…claims, he broke into politics in the first grade to further John F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign:

“I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays…It was my first political trick”.

Enough of that, on to my favorite picks from: Lyin’ Donald: 101 Of Trump’s Greatest Lies by Hank Barrien

#6. March 27: Trump claims Cruz bought the rights to the ad featuring a nude Melania Trump: Debunked.

#1. March 30: Trump claims MSNBC edited their released version of his interview with Chris Matthews in which Trump stumbled on abortion:  “You really ought to hear the whole thing. I mean, this is a long convoluted question. This was a long discussion, and they just cut it out. And, frankly, it was extremely — it was really convoluted.” Nope; that was a lie.

Donald Trump PolitiFact

Donald Trump PolitiFact

#8. March 23: Trump accuses Cruz of coordinating with Super PAC in it’s ad featuring a nude Melania Trump. Tweeting, “Lyin’ Ted Cruz denied that he had anything to do with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania. That’s why we call him Lyin’ Ted!” Debunked.

#27. March 7: “I’m self-funding my campaign. I’m not taking money. … I’m not taking. I spent a lot of money. I don’t take.” As of Jan. 31, his campaign had accepted $7.5 million from donors not named Donald J. Trump.

Donald Trump Lies

#28. March 7: Boasting he had spent $30 million on his campaign: “I’m already in for $30 million cash.” According to POLITICO, “As of then he had only contributed $250,318, plus the loan of $17.5 million.

#36. February 28: “I don’t know anything about David Duke,” to Jake Tapper. Trump not only has mentioned Duke in the past but has actually repudiated him during a Bloomberg interview in August 2015. Fifteen years ago, when Trump was considering running for president as a Reform Party candidate, he named Duke a cause for concern. “Well, you’ve got David Duke who joined — a big racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party,” he said.

#42. February: Trump calls Cruz a liar for running an ad accusing Trump of letting  the federal government stay in charge of the state lands they own and not return them to the states. Of course, Cruz was telling the truth, as you see here.

#50. January 22: Trump releases ad saying Cruz is pro-amnesty. Ironically, Cruz is not pro-amnesty, as Jeff Sessions has testified, but Trump has been:

Back to Ted Cruz and Globalism: The Council on Foreign Relations are a “Pit of Vipers” 

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Texas Conservatives stand their ground against their own “Harry Reid”

Rep. Matt Krause, Activist Michael Smith and Rep. Scott Turner at the Texas GOP Convention 2014.

Rep. Matt Krause, Activist Michael Smith and Rep. Scott Turner at the Texas GOP Convention 2014.

The fight is on. Conservatives in Texas, off the heels of an election that clobbered the Democrats, (Note that not one statewide Dem took more than 39% last week), are off and running towards the election by the Texas legislature for the Speaker of the House. Representative Scott Turner is running against current Speaker Republican Joe Strauss, who Forbes called “The Harry Reid of Texas“. This week, it got heated to a boiling point.

Monday night, grassroots darling Giovanni Capriglione stunned a group of ardent supporters when he came out in full support of Strauss. Boldly stating that “There is no race for Speaker for Scott Turner.“, the Representative was faced with deafening silence that quickly turned into an angry crowd. Matt Krause (R-Fort Worth ), Jonathan Stickland (R-Bedford), and representative elect Tony Tinderholt (R-Arlington), the other three on a four person panel all disagreed.

In a quote from the meeting that was passed all over social media Tuesday, Stickland rebuked Capriglione. “It is a dangerous place to be if we vote based on what we think will be the outcome.”

Breitbart Texas reported that, “[Rep] Krause spoke up and said he thought Capriglione was wrong about support for Turner. He said, “I think Turner has more support. He’s a unique leader and would make a tremendous speaker of the house.

Grassroots activists took action during the meeting as well as on social media in the aftermath.

Grassroots activist Michael Smith, who campaigned heavily for Capriglione and brought the question up at the meeting posted, “I am simply beyond words – I feel like I have been run over by a Mack truck with Giovanni’s decision to vote Straus

Morgan McComb, another grassroots stalwart in Texas Politics wrote: “I was sitting on the front row, right in front of him when he decided to BETRAY Texas. The people in the room had money and sweat equity in him. They sat polls from sun up to sun down and took money from their social security checks on his promise to not be more of the same. People in the room were crying, some were mad and many like myself could not believe what we were seeing.

The entire Texas Grassroots spent the day in discussions about making it clear that Rep. Capriglione had severely disappointed them with his major flip-flop. Emails were sent, his FB pages were flooded, his past FB posts showing how he stood concerning Speaker Strauss were archived. Any thoughts that the very active Texas Grassroots were relaxing after a great election last week were surely put to rest.

The very active Texas Grassroots took a major offense to Giovanni’s defeatist flip-flop. In the weeks heading toward the vote for Speaker that takes place on the first day of the Texas legislative session in Jan, it looks to be a heated contest that will take a front seat in a state where elections and politics are very ‘Front Porch” It will be very interesting to watch it play out

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Watch President Obama land in NYC and salute US Marines with a cup [video]

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List of excuses for ‘the pause’ in global warming is now up to 52

Watts Up With That?

Updated list of 52 excuses for the 18-26 year ‘pause’ in global warming (compiled by WUWT and The HockeySchtick)

RSS satellite data showing the 18 year ‘pause’ of global warming

An updated list of at least 293236383941 51 52 excuses for the 18-26 year statistically significant ‘pause’ in global warming, including recent scientific papers, media quotes, blogs, and related debunkings:

1) Low solar activity

2) Oceans ate the global warming [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]

3) Chinese coal use [debunked]

4) Montreal Protocol

5) What ‘pause’? [debunked] [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]

6) Volcanic aerosols [debunked]

7) Stratospheric Water Vapor

8) Faster Pacific trade winds [debunked]

9) Stadium Waves

10) ‘Coincidence!’

11) Pine aerosols

12) It’s “not so unusual” and “no more than natural variability”

13) “Scientists…

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Josh Bernstein… Stirin’ It Up!!! Join Him!

Radio Talk Show Host, Writer, and Political Strategist Josh Bernstein has stirred the waters again! Well known for his blunt and outspoken messaging as a writer for the Examiner.com, Breitbart News, The Tea Party Tribune, Right Wing News, Conservative Daily News, and the Conservative Read, as well as his radio shows, Josh has started a huge campaign to get the attention of Speaker John Boehner.

He composed a letter to Boehner making clear the feelings that we all share. In his letter, Josh points out, “…America is dying. The America of today is vastly different from the America of old. Our shining city on a hill is slowly turning into a dilapidated, morally and ethically bankrupt pile of rubble…”

He is asking “We the People” to send a copy of the letter to Boehner’s three offices. But not just the letter mind you, as stated in the letter itself:

“I am instructing Americans who are tired of the lies, tired of the scandals, and tired of the corruption to send to you some balls. I am instructing millions of fed up Americans to send you gumballs, ping pong balls, golf balls, tennis balls, etc. As long as what they send to you are a pair.”


That’s right!! Gumballs, ping pong balls, golf balls, whatever kind of ball you can muster up! We are in a battle for the future of this great country we live in and Barack Obama is doing everything he can to destroy the foundations that make it the wonderful place it is. It is high time our Republican leadership decided to take the situation we are in seriously.

I am asking you to join Josh in this campaign. Print the letter, send some balls, and make the message clear. The Boehner camp has already noticed the campaign and they are not happy!! GOOD!! Let’s make the message clear and loud!!

Join the event of you are on FaceBook

For maximum impact you can send balls to all three of his Ohio Offices:

Butler County Office
7969 Cin-Day Rd. Suite B
West Chester, Ohio 45069


Clark County Office
76 East High Street
3rd Floor
Springfield, Ohio 45502


Miami County Office
12 South Plum Street
Troy, Ohio 45373


(Please make sure you take lots of pictures of you at the Post Office mailing Speaker)

Or Use Social Media!!

Boehner some balls and post them to his Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SpeakerJohnBoehner

You can also tweet this to the Speaker on Twitter:
Help @SpeakerBoehner Have Some #BallsToImpeach

The Speaker on Flicker:

The Speaker on Instagram:

The Speaker on Google Plus:


PLEASE be respectful and professional when contacting the Speaker.

Media Inquiries: thejoshbernsteinshow@gmail.com

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Drivers Licence in Texas? 10 Fingerprints Please!

imagesWhen…When…When… are our legislators on the right going to figure out that it is exactly situations like this that the left uses to trample on our Freedom and Liberty?

Really. Quietly, earlier this year, the Texas Department of Public Safety began requiring full sets of fingerprints from everyone who obtains a new driver’s license or photo identification card.

Quietly? I wonder why? Might it be because this would cause an uproar? Duh!

Well, it seems that, just like with Common Core, the process of debate has been just tossed out like an old rag and our Representative Government has decided to just decide what is good for us.

As bad as this is, it looks like this actually started with some 2005 legislation co-sponsored by our current Agriculture Commissioner, Todd Staples, who was a  state senator at the time. This really honks me off as I really like Mr. Staples. But for goodness sake, when are our legislators on the right going to learn that we cannot sanitize the world from every problem with overreaching legislation? “DPS spokesman Vinger says the system has already led to the capture of three individuals wanted for crimes.”  Yes folks… that would be THREE!!!! Insane!!! I have to go drink some coffee, you better get one too… or something stronger, before we continue!

OK, I am better. Now to continue. It gets better! It seems that DPS (Texas’ Department of Public Safety) just “decided” during the first part of this year to go from taking a thumbprint, to an all out collection of all ten fingers from everyone they can get. Again, no public debate, no input from the great people of Texas, just a very quiet decision. I hate to tell you this DPS, but you work for the citizens of the great state of Texas! We are the employer! This would be called insubordination!!

Now, I am all for giving our public servants the needed tools to keep us safe. I understand the difficult job. But this all comes down to some very missing common sense as well as some basic fundamentals. Why should I try to say it when Benjamin Franklin said it so well:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

We are living in an era where we are quickly giving up our Freedom and Liberty. It would take 50 more posts to cover it all. Technology itself has done plenty to erode our privacy, and we are letting our elected (and not so elected) officials use that technology to take us to a point where the government will know more about us than we know about ourselves…and without any public debate on the subject. It has been the increasing pattern, and “We the People” deserve a large part of the blame. Too many citizens are not paying attention! If we do not wake up, soon, we will be living in a nation that we do not recognize.

The good news is that this is Texas! We have some great fighters in Austin and we have some great citizens willing to stand up and say, “Oh Hell No!” Texas State Representative Steve Toth was recently quoted as saying:

“I’m gonna raise heck about this when I get back to the office. I’m going to see what I can do to stop it.”

So folks, we fight on! We have to wake up America! Talk to your neighbors. Talk to the person in the line at the grocery. Talk to the hairdresser. Overreaching government can only win when the people are uninformed.

We can be so thankful to Dave Lieber of DallasNews.com for breaking this horrendous situation. According to Lieber, “A political science professor at Texas Christian University named Donald W. Jackson, who has a new organization called the North Texas Civil Rights Project, is offering legal support if anybody wants to challenge this new policy in court.” (Thank You as well to Jon Cassidy of Watchdog.Org)

I could continue…but I need more coffee…so I digress…for now! I will let the great Frederick Douglass have the last word:

“Nevertheless, this is no time for the friends of freedom to fold their arms and consider their work at an end. The price for liberty is eternal vigilance.”

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Mississippi Burning: 3300! Cochran to Resign? True The Vote Sues, Barbour Investigated, and More!

A Time For Choosing


By Gary P Jackson

I lot has happened in the last 24 hours, more than I can keep up with, even after pulling an all-nighter!

****For starters, the McDaniel campaign has now identified 3300 illegal votes with only half of the counties canvased. It seems highly likely they may find enough invalidated votes to overturn the results of the election, especially if what has been said about absentee votes is true.

Of course, McDaniel doesn’t actually need to find enough illegal votes to overturn the election, to prevail here. You see, as backwards as Mississippi’s voting system seems to be, they actually have very strong laws against vote fraud, laws with teeth!

There’s an interesting concept here at play. By law, all Chris McDaniel has to do is provide enough evidence of fraud to taint the vote. In Mississippi the evidence of significant fraud can force a new election…

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You won’t believe these kindergarten schedules ~ Facebook Will Not Allow This Link!

I am blogging this as FB has blocked the link to the news article.


Anybody paying attention to school reform knows that kindergarten today is nothing like it used to be. Kindergarten schedules used to be dominated by play, but there’s not much time — if any — for that any more in many programs.  Play has been replaced with reading, writing and arithmetic — and a slew of tests on reading, writing and arithmetic. There is so much pressure on teachers to get kids in kindergarten — who can be 4, 5 or 6 — academically oriented that some teachers have stopped offering a snack because there just isn’t any time. Recess? That’s gone in some places too.

Play, you may be surprised to learn, is actually the way young kids learn best. According to this report titled “Crisis in the Kindergarten” by the non-profit Alliance for Childhood:

Long-term research casts doubt on the assumption that starting earlier on the teaching of phonics and other discrete skills leads to better results. For example, most of the play-based kindergartens in Germany were changed into centers for cognitive achievement during a wave of educational “reform” in the 1970s. But research comparing 50 play-based classes with 50 early-learning centers found that by age ten the children who had played excelled over the others in a host of ways. They were more advanced in reading and mathematics and they were better adjusted socially and emotionally in school. They excelled in creativity and intelligence, oral expression, and “industry.”  As a result of this study German kindergartens returned to being play-based again.

To get an idea of what kindergarten kids are being asked to do, I looked at some of the schedules posted on school websites. Here are just a few which show how much time young kids are being asked to sit and do academic work. It should be noted that kindergarten teachers tell me that the official time schedules can be misleading because academics often runs into non-academic blocks, meaning that kids sometimes can’t go to recess or paint a picture because there is no time.

Take a look at these half-day and full-day kindergarten schedules, and, at the end, one schedule for preschedule. If you come across others in the same vein, send them in.




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The “Unstoppable Collapse” of the West Antarctic ice sheet – the rest of the story

I have yet to see any of the mainstream media mention the fact that Antarctic sea ice is currently at or near an all-time high


The mainstream media and the Arizona Daily Star are in their usual “gloom and doom” mode because a few glaciers in the Amundsen Sea of West Antarctica are flowing faster than they have been and hence calving ice into the sea. This glacial behavior has been known for some time. The current turmoil was precipitated by recent publication of two papers based on data collected between 1992 and 2011.  But even back in 1968, a paper by Ohio State University glaciologist John Mercer called the West Antarctic Ice Sheet a “uniquely vulnerable and unstable body of ice.” Mercer based his statement on geologic evidence that West Antarctica’s ice had changed considerably many, many millennia ago at times when the ice sheets of East Antarctica and Greenland had not.

Is it just coincidence that this story is being hyped now, closely following release of the latest National Climate Assessment Report by…

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Constitution101: The Sovereignty of the People



The federal government acts like it stands as sovereign in the American system, but that was never intended by those who created it. In fact, the federal government was never meant to serve as anything more than an agent, exercising the specific powers delegated by the true sovereign – the people.

While many Americans assume the federal government sits at the top of the power pyramid, it actually belongs on the bottom. Under the intended constitutional system, “we the people” hold the top position of authority, with the states under them and the federal government only supreme within the limited scope of the explicit powers delegate to it.

The very first words of the Constitution make this clear.

Have you ever wondered why these three words appear in large, ornate letters? When an 18th century British king issued a grant, his name always appeared at the top in the same…

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